Thursday, January 24, 2008,
good day all. today has finally arrived without much delay and rather much painstaking agony. many a person has his life hanging by a strand based on these 'o' level results due to the constant stereotyping of 'o' level results as the 'foundation' of your life and without it you are nothing. i cannot disagree that it is indeed a foundation but i can safely disagree with the amount of stress and tension placed on it. as they say life moves on and although everybody will no doubt be worried about the marks they also must understand that after receiving the 'o' level results there is no need to regret or reflect but rather carry that slip of paper proudly and move on. therefore to all out there who are receiving their results today, the best of luck to you. but constantly keep in mind that life moves on. with or without you and hence accept thine fate, for there is no more turning back but rather more of moving forward, and that is what i wish evrybody to do.
10:23 AM
10:22 AM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008,
wow time sure flies fast. the lst post was 26th nov. now its already the 1st of jan in 2008. thats really fast. come to think about it i really enjoyed myself for unlike the previous end of the year holidays where we simply had to do some work or studies. this time it was completely different. this holidays brought a whole new meaning to letting your hair down (no pun intended to all those who dyed hair =D) so yeah the frequent doses of tennis, soccer, pool and friends made me really feel rewarded for the hard work i put in for the 'O's. so all those out there who have done the equal amount of hard work for that darned 'O' level exams you can easily say that apart from all those materialistic rewards e.g. laptop etc. the holidays were your true reward. as for me i will just briefly go over the highlights of my holidays since my last post. damn...that's alot. well here we go.. hmm there was nothing really interesting or particularly unique happening till the 23rd where we embarked on a holiday to Cambodia. yes, Cambodia. well at first i was like....ok...when i reached the airport which is like the size of ian's house i was further discouraged. the 40 degrees weather didn't help either..but it turned out to be a rather exciting trip. it is a third world country depending mainly on tourism of about 2 million visitors a year. we first visited siem reap the second largest city in Cambodia. the guide brought us around to many old temples which Cambodia hardly lacked. like the one in tomb raider which was virtually in ruins...the main sight was angkor wat which i suspect everyone knows after sec 2 history. well it is a marvel in itself but in my opinion it is over-rated but a definite must see. the architecture and elaborate carvings make it comparable to the pyramids in egypt. the second sight to behold was the Tonle Sap Lake which is Cambodia's self proclaimed 8th wonder of the world. with a size two times that of singapore and furthermore it being freshwater in my opinion it should become a wonder. once you leave the many tributaries of the lake and enter the main portion it seems like an ocean. Christmas was spent eating pizza from a place called Happy Herb Pizza. every pizza joint has either ecstatic or happy in its name making it sound like the pizza is topped with marijuana or something. well anyways it did taste good so who cares? So 2 days in Siem Reap and the other 3 were spent in Phnom Penh the capital of Cambodia. the main sights were the Mekong River and the King's palace with the Toul Sleng museum. the toul sleng was actually a school turned into a prison during the Khmer Rouge where within toul sleng 20, 000 mainly intellectuals including children and women were mercilessly slaughtered. it was a gruesome sight with graves and a monument containing countless skulls and bones. our guide was a victim of the regime having lost two siblings and her parents to Pol Pot's cruelty. Below are the rules of the camp. Such as having to answer questions or face electrocution. So as we usher in the New Year we should leave 2007 behind and remeber that what matters is ahead not behind for 2007 will always be there to look back upon but we cannot see what 2008 holds for us. To one and all a Happy New Year!
7:50 PM