Saturday, September 22, 2007,
according to ian starting with 'hey wassup guys' is gettng to cliched so i'll start today by getting straight to the pint. (although what i just said probably can already be counted as an intro...) so yeah anyways only got emath results so far after friday and i got a measly A2. considering that i lost approximately seven marks due to not rounding up to significant figures and not writing units. well it could be said that this was probably a cause of my own doing but still it sure is rather irritating. i'm sure kun yi will share my empathy. so anyways on the exact same day KC told a couple of us that our english compo sucked bigtime and had to go for some remedial. for some of us it was handwriting that drove the fatal blow and for some it was grammar. regardless our results still sucked (in compo). gained some consolation from the fact that oral was to be counted and according to KC we did quite ok for our compre. (which by his standards good) however i still am reeling from the blow although i almost certainly felt it coming when mr hazrin (our marker) told me that my handwriting sucked. however one positive outcome came as a learning experience for 'O' levels. to write better and to round up the bloody significant figures. today was hindi school day which was pushed up to morning as the lower secondary levels were having exams. so got to see all the puny primary school kids. i seriously can't believe i used to be like that. i was shocked to see that one of those kids had brought a size 3 soccer ball to play with during reccess. it was shocking because the secondary levels usually only brought a measly tennis ball to play with whereas these kids brought an actual soccer ball. so yeah but they're not exactly ronaldinho's and messi's thats safe enough to say. so today aditya introduced me to some seriously rocking riffs. like Back in Black by AC-DC and Seek and Destroy by Metallica. so yeah if you have the time look these up and have a listen 'cos they're really good especially if you're a rock fan. so anyways till then i'm out till the next time. best to everybody out there on their results for prelim. score those distinctions and maybe hope for moderation. so till then smell ya later! (P.S. if ending seems too cliched, guess what, it is but who cares! furthermore there are may things to look forward to this weekend other than constant muGGing. like man utd vs chelsea and HEROES!! yes it is finally gonna return after some faves online. so yeah have a great weekend. go man u!)
6:49 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007,
hey wassup guy. just came back from the long awaited visit back to school. disappointed on the fact that marks aren't gonna be released till about the 1st of October although some teachers feel free to leak out some marks. well i guess it's kind of a bittersweet thing where you're anxious to know your marks while on the other hand you don't really wanna know it yet. so yeah and for those who're feeling kinda down today maybe due to marks or some other reason i saw fit to post this video by Simon and Garfunkel with a song titled Feelin' Groovy back from the 70s. although they probably wrote the song when they were high it's still a good listen for anyone and a good pick me up when you're down. so in the meantime i'm out peace!
2:20 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007,
hey wassup guys! just passing by for a short post while the timetable prints out. yes, back to school. time to start muGGing all over again after the much needed break over the last couple of days. spent today doing some work (physics!) and watching the illusionist (courtesy of edmund.) after which went out to play pool, YES AGAIN...sian gotta stop before addiction kicks in. well then i came back after dinner at mos burger. can't wait for tomorrow. yay school! NOT! so anyways see you guys tomorrow, till then peace! and good night.
9:11 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007,
hey wassup guys! to day was FINALLY the last day of prelims, ending with a geography core mcq paper. it was relatively ok. after that we had some retarded NE quiz where u have to answer questions to get money and use that money wisely to buy and construct buildings.make sure to spend it WISELY on things that will further the country like an airport etc. Don't spend it on things like a zoo which is a waste of money. eventuallly i ggot senior builder after which KC suaned me say I noob. well who cares, not as if it's gonna affect your 'O" levels or something. anyways after that headed down to Zion intending to play DotA but ended up playing CS and BattleField 2 which was really fun. played until 3 then when to play pOOl until now where i'm bacj home bloGGing. so anyways i'm out going to collect my hindi results. peace!
6:16 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007,
hey wassup guys. today was a really busy day. first in the morning i had hindi prelims at some beatty secondary school which is a really ulu school in toa payoh. i met a couple of old friends whom i haven't met since primary school. apart from friends the paper ws relatively easy safe to say an A1. (Brandon i seriously think Chinese was a mistake for you, hindi ftw!) then after the exam which was at like 2pm some friends and i headed out to plaza singapura for lunch. after which we played pool like till 6 plus. safe to say that i'm improving steadily, but still gotta do something about the persistent neck aches from playing too long. from today's pool experience i felt that it was a really good socialising activity, especially if you're trashing the person and he asks you to give him some pool tips haha. so anyways after i came home i watched the everton vs man utd match. man utd was damn off but a great corner from nani and a subsequent header form vidic left the everton crowd dismayed at the 0-1 away loss which in turn left me content. after the match i watched the show 'She's the Man'. it was about a girl who can play soccer (amanda bynes) who wanted to prove herself and hence impersonated her brother who was her twin and went to some school tryout. resulting in a intricate love web that was really messy at the end. worth to watch if u got time to waste that you could actually utilise stoning. so after that here i am bloGGing. so i'm gonna end here. peace ! P.S. for those who read Bleach 291 i'm now in utter shock that nell is not only a chio bu but also the FORMER/CURRENT No. 3 espada. ( if she was a former espada wouldn't the number not be there...) furthermore if the power difference between 3 and 5 is so large i'm wondering whether 1 will be a billion times stronger then yamamoto himself. by the way, did anybody realise the glaring grammar mistake of the title, 'Thank You for Defend Me' or isit just me...to me it sounds like the way a filipino maid would talk =D
10:36 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007,
wassup guys! today was FINALLY the end of prelims...heck care geog! i'm sure everyone shares my sentiments. well its just an MCQ paper..who cares! so today was the one of the very few days where i didn't study at all, except for abit of hindi just now. well you can't blame me...i have hindi prelims on saturday. so anyways spent time after school actually wanting to go LAN...much to kunyi's discontent. however much to his content it was closed. so after much indecisive thinking on where to eat we settled at katong laksa. which andrew eventually regretted when we went top play pool (a bit of a tummy upset =D) so andrew, chin boon and brandon came over to my house to just slack while waiting to for the pool place to open. we watched hot fuzz, which was dang funny,a recomended must-see. so by the time the movie which was about 2 (time when the pool place opens) we went over. ended up paying pool for like 4hours, had top pay about 7bucks T_T so after that rushed for hindi tuition and came home to bloG =D so thats what happen today and tomorrow should be equally slack. so until then i'm out. good night!
9:04 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007,
hey guys. today was the history and amaths paper. let's start off with history it all went well. but i have to admit that the source-based questions were kinda weird in a 'i haven't seen this type of questions before' type of way. the SEQ was quite ok, did the germany one. studied it all so it was like flowing out of my painful hands. then was amaths where people were cramping formulas at the last minute. it turned out to be quite ok just the bloody RV...skipped it =p well there were rumours spreading that it was gonna be hard but guess not. wonder who is spreading all these crapo rumours, bloody buGGer. so anyways cramping at the moment for physics tomorrow let's hope for a miracle. haha. so anyways in the meantime i'm out! peace.
4:07 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007,
hey wassup guys. haven't been posting regularly. due to two main reasons. 1. studying =p 2. nothing much to post. unlike all those muGGer doGs that zhongrong loves to refer to, i haven't gone out to study. staying cramped up at home and numbing my mind. i seriously can't wait for the 'O's to be bloody over...anyways had a haircut today after like 2+ months. all i can say is, 'oh man, i look different.' haha not in a bad way just a sorta DIFFERENT way...yaknow. i am really happy though that englan won israel and most likely is gonna win russia unless stalin wakes up from the dead and purges every last one of the england squad. sorry history is overwhelming me. i've even taken to watching the history channel abnormally often, and i really like it =D however an rather scared of the roger federer vs novak djokovic us open finals. djokovic is really good and can win roger. and i don't want roger to lose before i go see his exhibition match in november. so anyways, whilst hoping that roger is gonna win(which he shall!), i'm out see you guys at school tomorrow, and all the best for the prelims,. it's the final sprint, and we're them frickin ethiopian runner dogs, and we're gonna make it. see you! P.S. for those who read bleach, iam also equally surprised that nell turned out to be some 'chio be' matsumoto lookalike ( u know what i mean ^^) type of espada. well i guess kubo tite is running out of ways to continue the story.
6:29 PM
Saturday, September 1, 2007,
hey wassup everybody! sorry for the delayed post but been really busy slacking =D. so anyways thursday was the emaths paper which was relatively easy as compared to the rumours that were spreading around that it would be mind-numbingly hard...well after that a group of us went to play at the cage. it was supposed to be only ten people but it turned out to be at least twenty thanks to the superb handling of the situation by brandon... then anyways we had a fun time and i was really dead tired. which i could say the same for more of the people who played on that day even the fitter ones. so after that me and kunyi rushed home to bathe and get ready to meet the class for some teacher's day dinner. we met up at tanah merah and we were on our way at the expense of edmund...(sorry! but it was really kunsaur's fault!) we had a great time at the dinner partially thanks to the fact that the people who went to cage did not eat ye and were really famished. after that the class split up into three with some going home, some going to play pool and some playing LAN. i became a LANdoG that night. but had to admit it was really fun OWNING brandon! well reached home late and kena KP by parent's but who cares, had a really great time! thanks guys, 4F rocks! ![]() today should be real fun...(NOT!) gotta study for hindi mock exam tomorrow! so wish me luck guys! in the meantime, i'm out! peace! Labels: exams
10:24 AM